
“They need you in room 13” she said when I answered the phone and I ran back to the ICU.  The patient was coding and for each minute that felt like an hour, we tried, and failed, to save her.  She wasn’t breathing, her heart wasn’t working, and despite the 30 people gathered in the room, … Continue reading

A New Therapy for Asthma

I first met Carol* (name and identifying details have been changed) when she came to my clinic after a severe asthma attack had sent her to the Intensive Care Unit.  After a few days, she had been extubated and had acquired a new diagnosis, asthma.  When she saw me in clinic, she felt better than … Continue reading

The Weight of Words

“Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never harm me.”  I learned this saying when I came to America, but before that, I learned a different story.  A wood cutter got lost in the forest, it was getting dark and cold.  He met a bear, who offered him to come to his … Continue reading

Slow Medicine

Time heals all wounds, they say, or, in medicine, if not all, then many.  But with our improved efficiency and throughput of patients, we fail to allow this most magical treatment to work.  The pace and intensity of medicine has increased exponentially over the past several decades.  We see more doctors, have more procedures, take … Continue reading


Anxiety ranks among my least favorite diagnoses.  In medicine, we have a long history of blaming a variety of diseases on anxiety.  Even in the recent past we attributed gastric ulcers to stress until it was proven that a bacteria that lives in the gut is responsible.  Indeed, who would have thought:  a bacteria living … Continue reading